African American Rights

          Voting Injustice

    Many African Americans wanted to vote but white people didn't want them to vote. So they made a law stating African Americans had to take a test to vote. The test was very difficult and unfair. Many African Americans failed the test and couldn't vote. Since couldn't vote, they couldn't change the law.   
    One primary source was in 1965. Mississippi passes a new law that makes it even more difficult for African Americans to vote. SNCC starts a new campaign called Freedom Summer. Volunteers came to help African Americans voters to register all over the South. Three volunteers are murdered. This scares some African Americans from voting but it also make others more determined.
    The perspective of this primary source is the photographer. He thinks African Americans are being mistreated. White people are being  unfair to them because African Americans had to take a test but they didn't. On the Louisana State Literacy Test, it says "This test is to be given to anyone who cannot prove a fifth grade education." This tells you that white people thought African Americans weren't bright.